Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Essence of Being Women and Native.

When human beings are uprooted from their ancestral lineage, their work, social relationships, marriage, parenting, and rellglon change. The breakage occurs not only at social and economic level, but internal as well, because of an immense effort made to overcome a strong internal crisis. In general native women used to enjoy great influence and respect from their community.The transformations native woman from Huron and Ojibwa experienced impacted them deeply, and their lives were rastically altered by the coming of European settlers with the new ways to be considered by white people, they be converted in secretive person for a lengthy time. Despite of this, as a consequence of this in recent years, native women raised their voices to be recognized as part of a tradition that deserved to be respected.According to Castellano, the village of Huron native women are organized on a clan membership and It recognizes the social status from female who play a very important role Into the com munity, such us parenting, collecting and preparing food, lanting crops and selling It, also the participated In polltlcal activities, because men went away to hunt, fight or make another actlvltles.Woman life was highly regarded for its capacity to give birth and help community survive without presence of men. On the other hand, the native Ojibwa people were hunter – gatherers, which meant that women also had an important role in the development of its economy; they were doing all the domestic work, weaving fishing nets, harvesting rice, making fur clothing. A significant issue is that Ojibwa Shaman was a highly regarded woman; because of community saw her as a warrior.Therefore, is not difficult to understand when Castellano said, that when European settlers introduced new standards of living to the communities, the greatest impact was on women; they were stripped out of their traditions and Identity, which consequently led them to withdraw from social life for a long perio d of time. They used to spend time on common tasks In Isolation In order to avoid being Judged on unknown for them parameters.So, women native raise their voice to open spaces of dialogue that allow them to preserve the essence of their identity by finding new ways to combine their own tradition with the elements of the new environment. The exhibition of native art and teaching is being a significant contribution to the achievement of it. To conclude, since the beginning of humanity it had to co-exist with the colonization from â€Å"others†, which caused the loss of traditions, lineages, and established ways of developing the society; it also aused tremendous suffering to the native communities, in their identity loss.Likewise, in the '80s a great numbers of communities were destroyed inside the country Peru by Sendero Luminoso a terrorist group, one example is the thousands of women forced to move to different cities of the country In search of security and hope, but on arr ival were forced to adapt In environments where they were discriminated against battered unable to find space to continue their tradltlons or develop tnelr skills, wnlcn were commonly working tne land, anlmal nusDanary, aising the family.The traditions handed down for generations from mother to daughter were destroyed. Today many of these traditions have been lost by the inability of local governments to create spaces of dialogue and openness to other forms of society. Every native community has its particularities that incidence with the location of the community, climate, and distribution of roles that are developed through generations, which makes them unique, unrepeatable that deserves to be respected and recognized as any other society.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Weather Affects Your Mood

How weather effect your mood? Weather can have more than a little impact on your mood. Researchers in Germany branched out beyond just sunny and cloudy and looked at temperature, wind, sunlight, rain and snow, air pressure, and how long the days were. The study was led by Jaap Denissen of Humboldt University in Berlin. The study had 1,233 participants, all living in Germany at the time. Most of the participants were women, the average age was 28, with ages spanning from 13 to 68 years old.Study participants were first given a personality test that measured extraversion, neuroticism, how open one is to experiences, and how agreeable and conscientious they are. Then, participants were given a daily online diary and asked to respond to a questionnaire that measured tiredness and positive and negative mood. Examples of positive mood included feeling â€Å"active,† â€Å"alert,† â€Å"attentive,† â€Å"excited. † Examples of negative mood included feeling †Å"irritable,† â€Å"scared,† â€Å"upset,† â€Å"guilty. † Tiredness was measured by terms such as â€Å"sluggish,† â€Å"sleepy,† and â€Å"drowsy. The researchers found that when it’s sunny outside you’re in a more alert, happy, focused mood than when it’s raining, cloudy, snowing, and cold. Wind, temperature, and sunlight were found to have a negative effect on your mood. The researchers said that sunlight played a role in how tired people said they were. Also, Sunlight had a mitigating effect on whether people reported they were tired on days when it rained. Being out in the sun boosts our mood, improves sleep, and promotes vitamin D production.Some people get better sleep when they were exposed to the sun during the day. A type of depression called seasonal affective disorder affects some people during the winter when they don't get enough sunlight. Psychiatrists often recommend that depressed individuals go outside in the sun for 30 minutes per day because experts now believe that sunlight has widespread mood-elevating effects, possibly because the â€Å"happy† hormone serotonin increases when nights are short and days are long.When the day starts getting darker earlier more people have less time to enjoy any of the day because they are at school or work. so then they become depressed because they are getting home from work and school and its either cloudy out by the time they get out or its already dark out . Also experts said shorter day’s equal shorter sun/daylight which is why some people do become depressed and tired. Some people have less effect on their mood from weather which are identified those people who love winter and enjoy the colder weather and everything about the season.When it’s really hot outside or in a certain location it can cause you to get heat stress. Heat stress is the amount of stress a worker faces in a hot work area: temperature, humidity, rad iant heat (such as from the sun or a furnace) and wind speed. Individuals with high blood pressure or some heart conditions and people who take diuretics (water pills) may be more sensitive to heat exposure and may have a higher chance of getting heat stress.Rain and cloudy skies also plays a role in effecting your mood. Frijns and his colleagues also identified a group of so-called â€Å"Summer Haters,† who were less happy and more fearful and angry when the temperature and the percentage of sunshine were higher and happier and less fearful and angry with more hours of precipitation. Also identified a group called â€Å"Rain Haters† was also identified. As implied by the name, this group felt angrier and less happy on days with more precipitation.Some people say that they like sunny, warm day’s better than rainy cold days because when its sunny outside your able to be more active and also are able to go out and enjoy the sunny warm weather but other people say they like rainy cold days better because you get to relax inside, watch movies, spend more time with family, and be more focused on school or work other than putting your work off and going outside and enjoy your day. Researches said more college student tend to go to school doing the fall because they are more focused and pass more classes because theyaren’tputting off their work to enjoy a nice sunny warm day.Researches said that during the spring and summer people are more in shape and exercise than during the fall and winter. This is because during the spring and summer people are more motivated to go for a walk or run because the suns out and its warm out. Most people don’t like going out in the rain or cold. so that makes them unmotivated to be active and get exercise. Also most people tend to stay in during the fall and winter because it’s warm and dry inside rather than being outside in the cold and rain.Researches said that people tend to gain more weig ht during the winter and fall months because they are inside watching movies and eating rather than going outside and being active. People also get depressed during the fall and winter because of cold , rain , and cloudy skies and when most people are depressed they usually eat more to make them feel better which also make them gain weight. Researchers said there are several ways you can prevent the weather to affect your mood negatively. Some prevention is when you are indoors don’t have the lights dimmed turn then all the way on so it’s brighter in your house.You can also watch a movie cuddled up on your couch or bed and have a good dinner. Don’t just sit around and do nothing that makes you bored and depressed. Get up and do something like clean, make food, or go out. There is a diagnosis called â€Å"seasonal moodiness. † Seasonal moodiness is a sickness then affects 1 of 4 people. Its gloominess caused by Mother Nature and it usually starts in late O ctober, and then ends in April when spring begins. When this becomes more servers (having seasonal moodiness for 2 consecutive years) it usually becomes diagnosed as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).Doctors take this very seriously, and there is treatment. Doctors believe it stems from â€Å"sensitivity to the lack of sunlight that results from winter's â€Å"shorter† days and disrupts our circadian rhythm, or internal body clock. â€Å"- WebMD. SAD is caused by the brain working overtime to produce melatonin (because of the lack of sunlight). Melatonin regulates your body clock, sleep patterns and a hormone that's been linked to depression. So in this way, yes weather can affect our moods. Although it is an illness, it's caused to weather and weather change.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

General Overview of Gats

1. General overview of GATS The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) is the first and only set of multilateral rules covering international trade in services. The definition of services trade under the GATS is four-pronged, depending on the territorial presence of the supplier and the consumer at the time of the transaction. The GATS covers services supplied a. Cross border trade: from the territory of one Member into the territory of any other Member. . Consumption abroad: in the territory of one Member to the service consumer of any other Member. c. Commercial presence: by a service supplier of one Member, through commercial presence, in the territory of any other Member. d. Presence of natural persons: by a service supplier of one Member, through the presence of natural persons of a Member in the territory of any other Member. 2. Proposed benefits of GATS There are six benefits of GATS, they are 1.Economic performance, An efficient services infrastructure is a preconditio n for economic success, many governments rely on an open and transparent environment for the provision of services. 2. Development, World-class enterprises in developing countries have a greater advantage, and better do business. Developing countries also have able to build on foreign investment and expertise 3. Consumer savings, Globalization of trade in services allows consumers a wider choice of lower prices, better quality goods and services 4.Faster innovation, The exchanges between the countries, information can promote technology innovation faster. 5. Greater transparency and predictability, Legally binding guarantee, allows companies in the international trade and investment in a stable condition. 6. Technology transfer, encourage foreign direct investment (FDI) usually can bring new skills and techniques. 3. Major criticisms of GATSMany civic groups said that most of the current economic restructuring under the WTO-OMC system is in the interest of big business, and not in t he interest of the public. They are concerned that further deregulation of the service sector will lead to a widening of the gap between rich and poor, to further environmental deterioration, and human cost is low in poor areas. 4. My opinion on GATS Overall, GATS met with some difficulties in the actual operation, and has created the problem of some criticism for people, but the trade agreements made n indelible contribution to the development of international trade in the world. As long as the various countries, the company is in the future economic and trade constantly looking for better solutions to improve the existing mechanism, the world economy is definitely better services under the framework of GATS rapid development. http://www. wto. org/english/tratop_e/serv_e/cbt_course_e/intro1_e. htm http://www. wto. org/english/tratop_e/serv_e/gats_factfiction3_e. htm http://www. twnside. org. sg

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Restaurant Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Restaurant - Case Study Example They are very much open to questions and amidst their Japanese origin, they can remarkably communicate to diners with ease. Aside from being friendly and courteous, staffs should also be complimented because of their efficiency. They cycle tables and deliver orders relatively fast with minimal pitfalls. Staffs never feel to make any customer at home by extending excellent customer service. Japanese are always known to be very concerned about profit maximization without sacrificing quality or detail. Fukuda Restaurant mirrors this commitment through its use of minimalist architecture and interior design which enhances the spirit of simplicity, authenticity, and order. True to the Japanese tradition, the restaurant features long wooden tables and benches with individual tables on the side. The use of earth hues in Fukuda restaurant is very much relaxing compared to the vibrant and screaming colors utilized by most eateries. The combination of brown and the touch of greens enhance the well being of every customer. The cleanliness of the place is treated as a primary concern evident by its being well-maintained and spotless amidst the high number of people who visit the place every day. Lastly, the main attraction of the Fukuda Restaurant is its organic dishes which are surprisingly delicio

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Strategic Management - Stakeholder analysis Essay

Strategic Management - Stakeholder analysis - Essay Example (Drucker 1973:140). Sony Corporation also had its strategy firmly rooted in the Japanese style of management which was based on long term orientation and planning, collective decision making, accountability and responsibility, bottom up process of decision flow and informal organisational structure. (Koontz 1974. 58). This strategy had also dictated its culture based on informal, familial, traditional relationship between the various stakeholders. However in the new economy this was losing its relevance. In line with the changing business environment Sony Corporation has had to transform its strategy, announced formally in 2005, it identified a few core sectors as electronics, games and entertainment. ( Thus the company is no longer only in the, â€Å"business of electronic information†. In line with this approach, the company has also adopted the new organizational model of business groups, abolishing the company system for better horizontal coordination and synergy for specific products. This organizational structure is said to be designed to eliminate, â€Å"corporate silos† and generate better cross functional support for business decisions. ( In line with this the culture has grown to a more formal, demanding and result oriented one of accountability. The key stake holders of Sony have been identified as shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers, business partners, local communities and other organisations. ( Considering the interests and demands of the stake holders, both long and short term, their influence on Sony’ s strategy will determine its overall organizational effectiveness. Sony keeps the interests of all its stakeholders uppermost. The corporate governance policy ensures a uniform approach towards stake holders across the company. ( Considering the stake holders one by one, we find that

Event this week Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Event this week - Assignment Example Greece financial crisis has been marked by high budget deficits and unsuccessful bailouts. Although the problem seems to span for more than a decade, the real financial crisis picture became evident beginning 2007. IMF and Eurozone members have been giving bailouts to Greece by demanding austerity measures from Greece. However, the bailouts have only worsened the financial situation in both Greece and Eurozone as well. Greece may be only one member of Eurozone. However, the financial problems seem to drag the entire economic Zone down a financial recession. It seems that Greece financial problems cannot be solved by giving them money but by helping them to put into place strong money generating structures. Giving bailouts to Greece is like giving fish to a hungry man instead of showing a man how to fish. The rest of the world is watching how Eurozone mends its financial affairs. The strong Euro currency has been dropping with time and has actually recorded a 12-year low as of today. The Greece financial crisis ties very closely to this course. The situation shows how global economics are interrelated. A financial problem in one part of the global economy can have a large implication in other aspects of global economy. Therefore, the situation is relevant to the course learning about local and international economics. Traynor, I. (2015). Eurozone calls on Greece to come up with credible reforms. The Guardian. 9 March 2015. Retrieved from

Monday, August 26, 2019

Career resear paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Career resear paper - Essay Example Financial condition: The most important characteristic of a company to make it desirable for employees is that it should be financially stable in the long run.. Thus, we need to look at financial health of a company before joining one. Non-financial indicators of company health: Not just the financial health, the non-financial indicators of a company also signify in which direction the company is going. These should be looked at before deciding upon the organization as a prospective employer. Work culture: A positive and healthy work culture is very much desirable in a prospective employer company. By this I mean an organizational culture where only the targets are not the rewarding factor. People involvement: The company should have long term retention policies for the employees and should have a mixture of both cash and non-cash incentives to motivate them. There should be both ways communication between the employers and employees. Training and development: The organization should be able to provide exposure to world class working standards. A globally expanded company can give its employees maximum opportunities to learn from diverse cultures and processes. Equal opportunity provider. The company should provide opportunities to all individuals irrespective of race, color or gender. There should be impartial performance evaluation criteria for rewards and recognition as well promotions. I would like to work for a company which not only helps me meet my financial goals, but also my personal goals. In financial terms the compensation should be at par with the industrial standards. Apart from financial benefits, the employer should also take care of other necessities of their employees like insurance, medical reimbursements etc. My personal goals will be achieved only if I can get the right kind of exposure and be able to learn from my experiences. Apart from this, I would like to be equipped with skills for taking up higher responsibilities through

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Strategic management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Strategic management - Assignment Example In addition, an environmental analysis plays an important role in pointing out the potential opportunities or threats that a company may face in its external environment. The examples of external environment include the technological, political, environmental, and sociological trends that affect the business operations directly or indirectly. The main purpose of an environmental analysis is to aid in the development of strategies that helps in decision making within an organization in regards to the external environment (Caratti, 2004). An environmental analysis involves the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats during the development of a strategic plan. It is important for managers to conduct environmental analysis after a certain period of time depending on the nature of the business and be able to identify conditions or events in the external environment that help achieve a competitive advantage (Hitt & Ireland, 1999). Walmart is a multinational retail corporation founded in 1962 by Sam Walton. Their focus is to make a difference in people’s lives by selling their products at a discount thus making them save money and live better. The objectives of Walmart are to meet the needs of their customers at a value and treating people with dignity and depend on the associate partners for success. The company has implemented some environmental measures to increase efficiency and has grown to be the world’s largest and emulated retailer. A SWOT analysis represents an organizations core competency. Its framework is popular due to its ability and power to develop strategy. The analysis of the internal strengths and weaknesses of a company focuses on the internal factors that give it various advantages and disadvantages in meeting the needs of its target market. Strengths are the core competencies that provide a firm with the advantage of satisfying its customers. Analysis of an organizations strengths

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Entering an international market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Entering an international market - Essay Example Porter contended that a lot depends upon the differences in the extent of geographical location and the degree to which the company is centralized for decision making. International marketing is different from home-country marketing and the success or failure of the decision basically depends astute analysis which is deployed in making and entry in the international market and positioning oneself in such a market keeping in mind all cultural dimensions of the international market. This paper examines an international market entry strategy of the chosen company i.e. Barclays Bank in China. Barclay's origins can be traced back to a modest business founded more than 300 years ago in the heart of London's financial district when goldsmith-bankers provided monarchs and merchants money for funding their business ventures. John Freame and his partner Thomas Gould established one such in Lombard Street in 1690. The name Barclay became associated with the company in 1736, when James Barclay also became a partner. The company amalgamated with the London, Provincial and South Western Bank in 1918 to become one of the UK's 'big five' banks. By 1926 the bank had 1,837 outlets. The modern banking business though started picking up in 1925, with the merger of three banks - the Colonial Bank, the Anglo Egyptian Bank and the National Bank of South Africa to form Barclays international operations. This helped the bank in adding more business in Africa, the Middle East and the West Indies. Besides the banking operations the Barclays' group has business interests in a range of fields li ke fund/ capital management, investment advisors, insurance, etc. This paper, however, limits its analysis to Barclay's banking operations.Barclays acquired Martins Bank in 1969, the largest UK bank to have its head office outside London. In 1981, it became the first foreign bank to file with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and raise long-term capital on the New York market. Taking giant strides towards global acceptance Barclays listed its shares on the Tokyo and New York stock exchanges in 1986, thus becoming the first British bank to do so. In 2000 it took over the Woolwich, a leading mortgage bank and former building society founded in 1847. In July 2003 Barclays acquired the Banco Zaragozano, one of Spain's largest private sector banking groups, which was founded in 1910. Keeping pace with technological advancements Barclays started the telephone banking service Barclaycall in 1994 and later on-line PC banking in 1997. Barclays has also introduced customised services with introduction of Barclays Private Bank and Premier Banking. In July 2005 Barclays Bank PLC also acquired a majority stake in Absa Group Limited, South Africa's largest retail bank with over seven million customers. With such international strides Barclays has now grown from a group of English partnerships to a global bank having its footprints in Europe, the USA, Latin America, Africa, the Caribbean, Asia, the Middle East and Australasia. On the domestic front Barclays has more than 11.3m current accounts and 10.9m savings accounts serving them through 2,014 branches in UK. Total number of UK Banking staff at present is about 41,500. On a wider horizon Barclays is operating with 25

Friday, August 23, 2019

Health Psychology Master Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Health Psychology Master - Essay Example As Tudor (1996) states mental health should be seen as a 'positive concept', that must be seen as different from psychopathology. Good mental health is not only about not having difficulties which cannot be overcome, but also implies that the individual will develop in, an emotionally and intellectually, healthy way across their lifetime. These healthy skills will give the individual, child or adult, the strength to be able to manage when life's inevitable problems find them, as well as being able to form fulfilling interpersonal relationships (BMA, 2006; MHF, 2006). The term mental health covers a wide range of difficulties that individuals may encounter throughout their lives. These can range from everyday concerns, such as a homework deadline, to severe and crippling problems, such as depression (BMA, 2006). The ONS (2006) defines mental health disorders as a set of clinically recognised abnormal behaviour and symptoms, which cause the individual extreme distress and distortion to their everyday lives. These crippling problems cause great suffering for the individual, and severely affect their ability to function in everyday life. However, these disorders do not manifest over night. They are usually brought on slowly and have roots in childhood (Ahrons, 2004). Therefore, if British children are already suffering from mental health difficulties, then as an adult they will have a high chance of these problems continuing or reoccurring. As has been reported in the media (USAtoday, 2008; The Times, 2008; BBC, 2008) British society seems to be letting down their children, as they are reportedly 'the unhappiest children in Europe' (UNICEF, 2006). Other research has implied these same results (Alexander & Hargreaves, 2007; Porthouse, 2006). Research published in Porthouse (2006) stated that John Bradshaw has shown that British children were more unhappy than most of their European counterparts. This led to a flurry of research on the matter. Bradshaw's report (Porthouse, 2006) and later ones from UNICEF (2006) have suggested that Britain is one of the worst places for child health, that British teenagers have the second lowest score for their hopes and ambitions for their future careers and employment prospects. The UNICEF (2006) report covered six main dimensions including material wealth, family relationships and peer relationships, education, the child's subjective understanding of their well-being, all brought toget her to present an encompassing picture of British children's lives. Alexander & Hargreaves (2007) state that what was most striking from their research was the amount of agreement which the results showed, particularly in the main areas of 'educational purpose, curriculum and assessment, the condition of childhood and society, and the world in which today's children are growing up' (p.1). What was more striking though was the negativity and 'critical tenor' that these issues told the researchers. The researchers found repeatedly that the children felt under powerful or even extreme pressure from the schools they attended. However, Harris and Guten (1979) state an individual's health behaviour shows little consistency. They may go to the gym everyday to look after their bodies, and then eat fast-food burger on the way home. This makes applying theory difficult. In addition, health behaviour tends to change over periods of time, making conclusive assumptions of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Monterey, Ca Essay Example for Free

Monterey, Ca Essay Whenever I tell someone that I am from California I am automatically asked about palm trees, the sun, hot weather, tanning, the beach, richness, etc. However, it’s not like that for me, I’m not from San Diego or Santa Clara, I’m from a small town in Central California with a population of about thirty thousand people, Monterey and it is a popular tourist attraction. The weather is about the same year round, between 60-70 degrees. It is rare the day we get up to 90 to 95 degrees. On those days it is as if I did life in San Diego. When we get out of school, everyone goes to the beach. We spend hours there, girls mainly tanning while the boys skim board, surf, swim, or play beach volleyball. At night we’ll set up a bonfire. We don’t do this only on the hot days, it does not matter what day of the season it is well set up bonfires all the time. It was a great thing to do at night, laying by the fire, drinking, smoking, eating, making smores, etc. Monterey is mainly known for its marine life. It has one of the biggest aquariums in North America. Monterey Bay Aquarium gives many scientists access to different marine life for research. It just opened a new Jellyfish exhibit and a year or so ago remodeled the Open Sea. The aquarium has two main parts, the open sea and the ocean’s edge. In the open sea you can see the Puffins, the Jellies Experience, The Secret Lives of Seahorses, and an Auditorium. Where as in the Ocean’s Edge part of the aquarium you can see the Kelp Forest, the Habitats, Penguins, and even the Touch Pools. There is no student in the Monterey County who has not been to this aquarium, I know this for a fact because every first grader goes to the aquarium as a field trip. The teacher gives each student a clipboard with a worksheet on it. Then he class is broken up in to groups and each has a chaperone and an aquarium guide. As everyone walks around, the students must fill out the work sheet. Every student covers every inch of the aquarium, from the otters to the roof, and even to the lab rooms. The Monterey Bay Aquarium is located at the end of Cannery Row. Cannery Row was named after the novel by John Steinbeck that took place there. In high school, we were obligated to read John Steinbeck’s Cannery Row in order to get an idea of how it was in his time. There, I can promise you that you will be trampled by tourists. There are tourist everywhere, because Cannery Row is literally right next to the beach is has a very strong smell of fish and sea water, combined. On the both sides of the street you will see restaurants after restaurants, like Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, El Torito, Fish Hopper, Johnny Rocket’s, and Sly McFly’s. There are also many souvenir shops and a Starbucks and a Dip-n-Dots, and also a few clubs and bars. One street up from Cannery Row, a block away from the aquarium, is the American Tin Cannery. Years and years ago it used to be a world wide famous sardine factory which ending because the sardines disappeared tragically. Now, it is an outlet store and it has a couple of restaurants, my favorite bei ng First Awakenings. It is a breakfast, lunch diner, I used to go every Mondays before school with my family for breakfast. Walking past Cannery Row is a bike path, which has always been on of my favorite things to do. The bike path goes on for a couple of miles, a few feet from the edge of the ocean and on the other side are magnificent houses, hotels, the lighthouse, and a small golf course. It eventually leads into Pacific Grove and then Asilomar Beach, the dog beach. This is where most high school students go for their Winterball or Prom pictures. If I were to walk the opposite way of the path I would be going back to Cannery Row, passing Cannery Row I would end up at San Carlos Beach. San Carlos Beach is nothing big, a very small, private beach. I hardly ever see anyone there. Back on the bike path, passing San Carlos Beach I am heading toward the Old Fisherman’s Wharf, another very touristic destination. This Wharf has three major owners, one owns the front part, the other owns Old Fisherman’s Grotto, and the third owns most of the other shops, and restaurants at the end of the wharf. I worked at Gilbert’s on the wharf on summer and part of the school year. I was the ‘clam chowder girl’. That summer I just stood there, serving chowder to all these tourists from all over the world; Italy, France, Mexico, Spain, the Middle East, etc. I would get in trouble every now and then if I would socialize with them. At the end of the wharf there is always either a man or a women who draws caricatures and on the bottom adds a whale, ocean or the wharf. The reason why he or she does a whale is because right next to the booth is another booth for whale watching. I did it once and I did not see whales but others have said they have seen them. One the other side of the Old Fisherman’s Wharf is another wharf. That wharf consists mostly of parked cars, a couple of small restaurants and a fish market at the end. At the fish market they sell fresh fish. They will go fishing and keep the fish alive, one a customer comes in and orders whatever they please, the fishermen will kill the fish right in front of you so you know that it is fresh. Every now and then I see a big ship on the dock. In-between these two wharfs is filled with sail boats, yhats, house boats, fishing boats, etc. Walking on the bike path next to this part of the dock, if I were to look down to the ocean, you can see otters, hundreds of otters, crying, sleeping or just playing around. Across from Old Fisherman’s Wharf is a path that leading into Downtown Monterey. Alvarado Street is at the heart of Downtown and it’s one the places teens and adults are seen at a lot. There are approximately seven to ten clubs and bars on this street, so its hardly ever empty. About two years ago we got a Myo there. Myo is equivalent to a Pink Berry, only better in my opinion. You’re able to get your own serving but keep in mind that you’re being charged 65 cents per ounce. I believe it is owned by two Monterey firefighters. On Tuesdays, the city closes the street to vehicles because there is a Farmer’s Market. There are food stands, fruit/vegatable stands, handmade jewelry sellers, CHOMP blood drive, to clothing vendors. A street up from Alvarado is the Monterey Police Station, Monterey Fire Department, and the Public Library. A few streets down from Alvarado is the first church built in California, San Carlos Church, formally known as San Carlos Cathedral. Next door to the church is a private Catholic school, San Carlos School. I attended this school for elementary and middle school. It is a very small school, one class for each grade. We had a uniform, therefore, the elementary girls had to wear plaid dresses with a white or navy blue polo and the boys had to wear navy blue pants and a polo. The middle school girls couldnt wear the dresses anymore so we had to wear plaid skirts with the polos and the boys had the same uniform as the younger boys. My graduating class only had 20 kids because we were such a small school, our class was very close and most of us went to the same high school after. Monterey has four high school, Santa Catalina, York, Trinity, and Monterey high school. The Del Monte Shopping Center is where students mainly hang out because of the restaurants, stores and the movie theater. Century 21, is the only movie theater in Monterey. The mall is not very big but it has the main things people go to buy like, Starbucks, Jamba Juice, HM, Forever 21, Victoria Secret, Cold Stone, etc. The crime violence is very high in the city’s around Monterey but in Monterey itself is not to bad. We don’t hear about shooting or murders. However, it has been getting high in the cities around Monterey, and it worries some of the residents. It was disappointing to learn that crime violence in now creeping into Monterey. One thing that keeps the residence calm is that the Monterey Police Department do not rest with crime and they do, do something about it, immediately. In Seaside, and or Salinas it is a harder for them get the criminal. Monterey has and always will be my home. I grew up there, I lived there, I love it there, it is a place where I can feel at ease. It makes others feel at home. I have been told, and heard that tourists, celebrities, and residents all think that this is on of the prettiest places in California and of the world. It makes me feel proud to be part of the Monterey community, to be a part of something that others wished they could be a part. I recommend that everyone should see Monterey, at least once in their lifetime.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

My Country India Essay Example for Free

My Country India Essay India, officially the Republic of India (Bharat Ganrajya), is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country with over 1. 2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world. Bounded by the Indian Ocean on the south, the Arabian Sea on the south-west, and the Bay of Bengal on the south-east, it shares land borders with Pakistan to the west; China,Nepal, and Bhutan to the north-east; and Burma and Bangladesh to the east. In the Indian Ocean, India is in the vicinity of Sri Lanka and the Maldives; in addition, Indias Andaman and Nicobar Islands share a maritime border with Thailand and Indonesia. Home to the ancient Indus Valley Civilization and a region of historic trade routes and vast empires, the Indian subcontinent was identified with its commercial and cultural wealth for much of its long history. Four world religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism—originated here, whereas Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Islam arrived in the 1st millennium CE and also helped shape the regions diverse culture. Gradually annexed by and brought under the administration of the British East India Company from the early 18th century and administered directly by the United Kingdom from the mid-19th century, India became an independent nation in 1947 after a struggle for independence that was marked by non-violent resistance led by Mahatma Gandhi. The Indian economy is the worlds tenth-largest by nominal GDP and third-largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). Following market-based economic reforms in 1991, India became one of the fastest-growing major economies; it is considered a newly industrialised country. However, it continues to face the challenges of poverty, illiteracy, corruption, malnutrition, inadequate public healthcare, and terrorism. A nuclear weapons stateand a regional power, it has the third-largest standing army in the world and ranks seventh in military expenditure among nations. India is a federal constitutional republic governed under a parliamentary system consisting of 28 states and 7 union territories. India is a pluralistic, multilingual, andmulti-ethnic society. It is also home to a diversity of wildlife in a variety of protected habitats. India comprises the bulk of the Indian subcontinent and lies atop the minor Indian tectonic plate, which in turn belongs to the Indo-Australian Plate. Indias defining geological processes commenced 75 million years ago when the Indian subcontinent, then part of the southern supercontinent tGondwana, began a north-eastward drift across the then-unformed Indian Ocean that lasted fifty million years. The subcontinents subsequent collision with, and subduction under, the Eurasian Plate bore aloft the planets highest mountains, the Himalayas. They abut India in the north and thenorth-east. In the former seabed immediately south of the emerging Himalayas, plate movement created a vast trough that has gradually filled with river-borne sediment; it now forms the Indo-Gangetic Plain. To the west lies the Thar Desert, which is cut off by the Aravalli Range. The original Indian plate survives as peninsular India, which is the oldest and geologically most stable part of India; it extends as far north as the Satpura and Vindhya ranges in central India. These parallel chains run from the Arabian Sea coast in Gujarat in the west to the coal-rich Chota Nagpur Plateau in Jharkhand in the east. To the south, the remaining peninsular landmass, the Deccan Plateau, is flanked on the west and east by coastal ranges known as the Western and Eastern Ghats;[114] the plateau contains the nations oldest rock formations, some of them over one billion years old. Constituted in such fashion, India lies to the north of the equator between 6Â ° 44 and 35Â ° 30 north latitude and 68Â ° 7 and 97Â ° 25 east longitude. The Kedar Range of the Greater Himalayas rises behind Kedarnath Temple, which is one of the twelve jyotirlinga shrines. Indias coastline measures 7,517 kilometres (4,700 mi) in length; of this distance, 5,423 kilometres (3,400 mi) belong to peninsular India and 2,094 kilometres (1,300 mi) to the Andaman, Nicobar, and Lakshadweep island chains. According to the Indian naval hydrographic charts, the mainland coastline consists of the following: 43% sandy beaches; 11% rocky shores, including cliffs; and 46% mudflats or marshy shores. Major Himalayan-origin rivers that substantially flow through India include the Ganges and the Brahmaputra, both of which drain into the Bay of Bengal. Important tributaries of the Ganges include the Yamuna and the Kosi; the latters extremely low gradient often leads to severe floods and course changes. Major peninsular rivers, whose steeper gradients prevent their waters from flooding, include the Godavari, the Mahanadi, the Kaveri, and the Krishna, which also drain into the Bay of Bengal; and the Narmada and the Tapti, which drain into the Arabian Sea. Coastal features include the marshy Rann of Kutch of western India and the alluvial Sundarbans delta of eastern India; the latter is shared with Bangladesh. India has two archipelagos: the Lakshadweep, coral atolls off Indias south-western coast; and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a volcanic chain in the Andaman Sea. The Indian climate is strongly influenced by the Himalayas and the Thar Desert, both of which drive the economically and culturally pivotal summer and wintermonsoons. The Himalayas prevent cold Central Asian katabatic winds from blowing in, keeping the bulk of the Indian subcontinent warmer than most locations at similar latitudes. The Thar Desert plays a crucial role in attracting the moisture-laden south-west summer monsoon winds that, between June and October, provide the majority of Indias rainfall. Four major climatic groupings predominate in India: tropical wet, tropical dry, subtropical humid, and montane. Indian cultural history spans more than 4,500 years. During the Vedic period (c. 700–500 BCE), the foundations of Hindu philosophy, mythology, and literature were laid, and many beliefs and practices which still exist today, such as dharma, karma, yoga, and mok? ha, were established. India is notable for its religious diversity, with Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity, and Jainism among the nations major religions. The predominant religion, Hinduism, has been shaped by various historical schools of thought, including those of t he Upanishads, the Yoga Sutras, the Bhakti movement, and by Buddhist philosophy. Much of Indian architecture, including the Taj Mahal, other works of Mughal architecture, and South Indian architecture, blends ancient local traditions with imported styles. Vernacular architecture is also highly regional in it flavours. Vastu shastra, literally science of construction or architecture and ascribed to Mamuni Mayan, explores how the laws of nature affect human dwellings; it employs precise geometry and directional alignments to reflect perceived cosmic constructs. As applied in Hindu emple architecture, it is influenced by the Shilpa Shastras, a series of foundational texts whose basic mythological form is the Vastu-Purusha mandala, a square that embodied the absolute. The Taj Mahal, built inAgra between 1631 and 1648 by orders of Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife, has been described in the UNESCO World Heritage List as the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the worlds heritage. Indo-Saracenic Revival architecture, developed by the British in the late 19th century, drew on Indo-Islamic architecture.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

South Africa fertilizer production

South Africa fertilizer production FOSKOR Foskor Richards Bay is one of the biggest producers of fertilizers in South Africa. It was founded in 1951 as a single phosphate mining operation in order to prevent us form depending on imports of phosphate rocks, which are one of the most essential raw materials needed in the production of fertilisers. It has now expanded to having three main mining and production sites in Richards Bay and Phalaborwa. The facilities in Richards Bay are more focused on producing phosphoric acid and phosphate-based fertilisers and also locally distribute some sulphuric acid. Foskor Phalaborwa is a region famous for the amount of copper and phosphates available there and therefore concentrate more on the mining and beneficiation of these substances. Foskor is nowadays one of the prime international traders of phosphoric acid with a 12% share in the market, importing to countries such as India, Japan and Brazil. It does not only produce phosphoric acid, but also magnetite, fused zirconia, sulphuric acid and fertiliser granules. YARA/KYNOCH FERTILISERS Kynoch fertiliser was founded in 1919 at Umbogintwini. It started out an explosives producer but soon began producing chemical fertilisers as a result of the by-product of explosives, sulphuric acid. In 1924 it combined with Capex to form AECI (African Explosives and Chemical Industries), and was more recently taken over by Yara Norsk Hydro. The aim of Yara is to grow and sustain the fertiliser industry by exploiting their leading position in the markets of ammonia, nitrates fertilisers. Yara aims to evolve from being a leading player into the shaper of the nitrogen-based chemical industry, quoted from the Yara website ( OMNIA FERTILISERS Omnia is considered one of the most environmentally conscious fertiliser producing companies in South Africa; it has won the 2008 Mail Guardian/Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Greening the future award for Envinox plant. Its motto Growing food security, Growing profitability clearly illustrates the companys aim, which is to encourage farmers to use fertilisers as to yield more crops while preserving the Earths natural or enriched state as not to harm it. Omnia produces granular, liquid and speciality fertilisers which are manufactured at different plants throughout the country. Its biggest laboratory, Chemtech Agri, is situated at Sasolburg, which supplies the product directly to farmers and wholesalers. Other than supplying locally, it also exports from its Johannesburg division to Omnia business in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi and Angola, and to wholesalers in east and southern Africa, Australia and New Zealand. They are also exporting more and more speciality products to Europe, South America and Asia. SASOL NITRO Sasol started manufacturing fertilisers and supplying to other companies in the early 1950s. They eventually decided to provide directly to farmers in 1984 by creating Sasol Fertilisers, now known as Sasol Nitro, which is one of the leaders in the South African fertiliser industry. It mainly manufactures LAN (Limestone Ammonium Sulphate) and ammonium sulphate, and nitric in Secunda where some of its facilities are located. It also produces granular fertiliser blends in Durbanville and Bellville, and liquid fertilisers in Potchefstroom, Kimberley and Endicott. These fertilisers are either sold for retail and on a wholesale basis, and are also exported to a few selected regions. Sasol also offers a special agronomical back-up system through its agronomists and agents throughout the country, with the aim to help and satisfy its clients. THE FERTILISER INDUSTRY IN SOUTH AFRICA AND ITS IMPACT ON THE ECONOMY Africa is using the least amount of fertiliser in the world according to John Pender, a senior researcher at the International Food Policy Research Institute In South Africa the fertiliser industry is essential as much of population relies on farming in order to sustain themselves. If the crops have little yield, the farmers will not be able to produce much food to eat and sell, which will in turn mean little income and ultimately less money to spend on seeds and fertiliser which would enhance the growth of their crops. Therefore, bringing down the cost of fertilisers is the key to increasing its access to rural communities; and with South Africa being prominently poor, about 40% of the population, this cost reduction is essential, whether it is the price of the products used to manufacture the fertiliser or the actual retail price. Africas rich soil has been one of its biggest sources of wealth throughout the years as it contains diamonds, uranium and petroleum as well as coal deposits, oil and natural gas which are all sources of energy used to produce nitrogen based fertilisers. Therefore, there is ample opportunity for international investments to be made to the South African fertiliser industry which would ultimately enhance our economy. However, it is important to have a balance between the private and public investments to ensure that the pursuit of profit does not eclipse the continents need to feed itself as said by Jomo Kwame Sundaram, the United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development. The estimated gross value of South Africas agricultural output in 2003/04 is of R72 000 million. The demand of fertilisers comes from the demand for food, which is quite significant in South Africa. This demand is expected to rise in the foreseeable future, which implies that there will be a more intensive food production which will increase the need for fertilisers. The price of fertilisers is mostly affected by the international prices, the currency exchange rate and freight costs. In 2004 the prices were as follow: Urea R2 464/tonne MAP R2 075/tonne MOP R2 110/tonne CAN R1 691/tonne The fertilizer industry of today is fully exposed to the world market forces and operates in a totally deregulated environment with no import tariffs or government sponsored support measures according to fertusouthafrica.pdf (see reference page). South Africa, having no local potassium salt deposits has to rely on imports. This affects the rest of the fertilizer industry as potassium is an essential element in the manufacturing of chemical fertilizers, and the cost of imports are higher than if it had been found locally. We do import quite a lot of phosphoric acid from Foskor (about 725 000 tonnes every year) as well as about 400 000 tonnes of granular NPK to the Sub-Saharan Africa.

Cultural Materialism Essay example -- essays research papers

When it comes to anthropological theory the combination of several established ways of thought often result in a completely new and independent way of thinking. Cultural Materialism is one of these children theories that resulted from a coming together of social evolutionary theory, cultural ecology and Marxist materialism (Barfield). The goal of cultural materialism is to explain politics, economics, ideology and symbolic aspects of a culture with relation to the needs of that society. From a cultural materialist point of view society is indisputably shaped by the factors of production and reproduction. From this all other facets of society, such as government and religion, must be beneficial to that society’s ability to satisfy the minimum requirements to sustain themselves (Harris 1996). An example of this would be the invention and continued use of industry because it increased the ability to produce needed materials and food. One important aspect of the cultural material istic approach is that it operates completely from the etic perspective. Marvin Harris, one of the founders of cultural materialism, believed that a holistic approach is vital to correctly analyzing culture and believed that the emic approach failed at providing a wide enough scope. Harris tried to employ the scientific method and incorporated it into his theory. The result of this is that cultural materialism focuses only on events that are observable and quantifiable and replicable (Harris 1979). Cultu...

Monday, August 19, 2019

State Laws :: essays research papers

Most legal disputes involving state law are initially decided in the trial courts or by an administrative agency. But after such a decision, an individual may turn to the state’s appeal courts if he or she believes a legal error occurred that harmed the case. In fact, thousands of cases are appealed every year.(1) They include criminal convictions as well as civil cases involving personal injury, contracts, employment, real estate, probate, divorce, child custody and many other issues. Whenever an appellate court reverses a trial court decision, it almost always allows that court to rehear the case using the correct law and procedures. In the vast majority of cases, the decision of a Court of Appeal is final. The state Supreme Court does not review the vast majority of cases – it steps in to resolve new or disputed questions of law as well, as to review death penalty cases. Death penalty cases proceed directly to the Supreme Court, bypassing the lower Court of Appeal. The appellate courts of California consist of the Supreme Court and the Courts of Appeal. The judges who serve on these courts are called appellate justices. There are seven justices on the Supreme Court and 93 justices on the Courts of Appeal. The Courts of Appeal are divided into six geographical districts and hear cases arising within the district. Proceedings in appellate courts are very different from those in trial courts. In trial courts a judge or jury hears the testimony of witnesses and reviews physical evidence, exhibits and documents before deciding a case. Appellate courts do not decide an appeal by taking new evidence or reassessing the credibility of the witnesses who testified in the trial court. Instead, they review the written record to determine if the trial court properly interpreted the law and used the correct procedures when considering the case. The opposing parties submit written documents, called briefs, to assert their position. The parties also participate in oral arguments before the appeal court justices. To ensure that the cases are examined from several perspectives and receive a thorough analysis, each Court of Appeal case is decided by three appeal court justices. All seven justices decide the Supreme Court cases. In both cases, a majority of justices must agree on a decision. All justices are bound to apply the law whether they agree with that law or personally disagree with it.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Free Essays on Terrorism: Bomb The Bastards Back to the Stone Age :: September 11 Terrorism Essays

Bomb The Bastards Back to the Stone Age The terrorists groups Hamas and al-Qaida have their foundations in Islam. Both of these organizations have interpreted the teachings of Islam in a violent manner. Al-Qaida calls for the founding of a "pan-Islamic Caliphate" to overthrow and expel Westerners". Hamas views any attempts at peace as turning over control to "non-believers", and they refuse to take part in any efforts for peace. Bill Clinton's previous inaction on embassy bombings and terrorists' threats has never prevented further violent action by either one of these groups. The United States must realize the enemy this country is now facing. The philosophy in the Middle East is one of retaliation and the appearance of strength. The members of both al-Qaida and Hamas are willing to die for their cause. Suicidal attacks are common, and they will not back down or look weak. America's course of action has always been to attempt diplomacy and peace talks. Any loss of American lives proves to be unacceptable to this country. Pulling out of a country where fellow countrymen are put at risk seems completely logical to Americans, but this action appears weak and cowardly to these terrorist organizations. The worst possible course of action that the United States could take would be to pull out of the Middle East. Because of the militant philosophy of both of these religious groups, inaction will not bring peace. Although pulling out would make sense from the American point of view, it would be seen as weakness from the point of view of al-Qaida and Hamas. These groups would take this failure to retaliate as a victory and simply continue their attacks more aggressively. A strong showing is the only language these terrorists will understand.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Employee right case study bea Essay

The Pledge of Loyalty is part of the baptismal of fire when you enter an organization. When you become part of a group, you are obliged to follow the pledge or if you cannot, just leave. And this will play a crucial role in the discussion of this case study. On the first question of Allen Lopez retaining his job, while the First Amendment states that Lopez’ airing of grievance is protected under the Freedom of Expression, he is, however, in conflict with the crime of defamation and for not observing employment restrictions and loyalty oaths. So while he is allowed to use whatever medium to state his feelings and ideas, the law allows his company to fire him for he endangers the security of his company’s workforce. On the second question on whether Lopez be forced to remove his website, the company may do one of two things. First, the company may petition for Temporary Restraining Order that will be issued by the court which will then order Lopez to freeze the website or to bring it down temporarily before the court decides on whether putting up the website did violate company laws as stated in the loyalty pledge. Second is to sue Lopez for damages and include in their motion that he bring down the website to curb further attacks on the company’s image. Lastly, on how ExtremeNet’s executives will respect Lopez’s rights and dignity, it is best for ExtremeNet to simply ask the court to bring the website down especially if it did not pose any significant negative effects in the dealings of the company. Allen Lopez has been a good employee and was only fighting for the welfare of the lower ranking employees. But still, it is in the discretion of ExtremeNet to either fire or retain Allen Lopez in the company. FindLaw. First Amendment – Freedom of Expression. eLaws. Employment Law Guide.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Internet Gaming Addiction Essay

â€Å"So, how was your weekend? † one worker asks another. â€Å"It was amazing,† the other responds, â€Å"My girlfriend and I found a spot on the top of a small hill and talked as we watched the sun set. Then we went to a bar and watched a local entertainer, we had a couple of drinks and spent the night meeting all sorts of interesting people. † â€Å"That sounds nice,† the first worker replies, â€Å"Which bar did you go to? † â€Å"It was a cantina on the planet Corellia. The entertainer was really helpful. We then took my new star-cruiser to join with a group of people who were off to fight the Rancor. That took a really long time, and we had to return to the cantina in shifts in order to use the entertainer to heal, but we finally took the monster down. I got quite a bit of experience for that one. (This is such a great shocker, illustrating the difference between real life and a game and the way the two blur in many people’s minds! ) Man what a busy weekend. That was only part of the first night,† the second worker explains. He is visibly excited, and continues to explain more events in detail, all of which of the game. â€Å"Wait a minute,† the first worker interrupts, â€Å"You mean that you watched the sunset with your girlfriend in a game? † â€Å"Of course,† responds the second, â€Å"She is a Rodian bounty hunter from the planet Tatooine . I think she lives in Brazil in real life. Anyway†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He resumes his story where he was prior to the interruption, detailing the events of his entire weekend. The majority of his weekend it seems has been spent playing a popular on-line computer game based on the Star Wars universe. The exchange above is a small illustration of a steadily growing population of people whose social experiences and interactions take place almost exclusively on the internet, inside virtual game worlds. The widespread availability and use of the internet has allowed people access to communication with anyone else on the planet. As with any other powerful tool however, its use is prone to abuse. Numerous studies have been performed on the addictive nature of the internet and some of its uses and applications. â€Å"Surfing† on the internet, chat rooms and messaging services, and Multi User Domains all have documented cases of addiction that display many of the negative aspects associated with substance abuse, minus chemical dependency. (This shows great use of fact to cement your point of view, rather than quoting widespread opinion. ) Video games like the ones mentioned above, commonly referred to as MMORPG’s or Massive Multi-player On-line Role Playing Games, are hugely popular and are one of the newest forms of on-line interaction prone to habitual use. (Good statement, but maybe a good place for a new paragraph to help follow along? ) What was once thought of as a harmless past-time may be more dangerous than many realize. (Good use of shocking language. ) The reasons behind the addictive behavior these kinds of games can induce lie in the rewarding social experiences and sense of accomplishment offered to otherwise introverted people, a sense of anonymity or alternate identity that serves to boost self esteem, and they seem to offer escape from the often depressing everyday life the addicted individuals feel they are trapped inside. (This is a good statement, but how do you know? Is this opinion, or something that’s been quoted? ) Multi User Domains, commonly referred to as MUD’s, are text based fantasy realms that play like an interactive novel and are populated by user created characters. As these characters, players complete quests, fight â€Å"monsters†, and collect weapons and items in order to become wealthier and stronger. With the advent of 3D graphics and larger servers, this type of medium expanded and improved, providing a much richer environment and the ability to support many more users at one time. These games came to be called MMORPG’s and have become exceedingly popular because they offer much more variety and detail, offering the same level of open ended game play that evolves as much as the characters the players create. For example World of Warcraft, a hugely popular MMORPG, just gained its 10 millionth subscriber as of 2008. This is roughly half of the population of Australia. These games run continuously and are accessible by people from all over the world, making them change and grow all the time. This, along with the experience accrual and monetary system keeps players playing longer and more frequently, as they are constantly being rewarded for their dedication. Peer pressure from other players may also play a role in increased playing time, as the forming of groups is often encouraged and sometimes necessary to accomplish the more advanced goals. These types of games have a much higher rate of addiction and abuse than do video games that are not of the dynamic multi-player variety. In a study performed by Peter Wiemer-Hastings, PhD, and Brian D. Ng, M. S. published in the CyberPsychology and Behavior journal, they found that the majority of the players of non-MMORPG played an average of 1-6 hours per week. The majority of the players of MMORPG are on the other hand played on an average of 11-40 hours per week, and 11% of those studied played 40 hours or more per week. The players of MMORPG’s also had tendencies of playing for long stretches, up to 8 hours at a time, and had reported losing sleep because of their playing habits. The study also asked a series of questions regarding the social behaviors of the two distinct groups of players. The answers indicated that â€Å"MMORPG users would rather spend time in the game than with friends, have more fun with in-game friends than people they know, found it easier to converse with people while in-game, did not find social relationships as important, and felt happier when in the game than anywhere else. † (Wiemer-Hastings and Ng) Playing habits with this level of dedication, especially when approaching the 40 hour dedication level, is almost certain to have negative impacts on the person’s personal life. Playing games this frequently is akin to working a full time job. This leaves little time for other activities or social interactions, especially when the dedicated player has an actual full time job or is a full time student. This can lead to an increasingly fractured personal social life and many who are introverted or less confident may begin to seek the entirety of their social outlets in a virtual world. These types of introverted people often find the anonymity and alternate identity appealing, as it offers them an escape. It gives them the ability to be anyone they wish for the time that they are playing, often times consuming much of the players’ real lives. Another popular game that shares many common themes and ideas with the MMORPG type of games, Second Life, is a 3D virtual world populated by players who create alternate identities to socialize with online. The player creates the way he or she would like to appear in the game, can purchase land and houses for their character to reside, and are free to do in the game world as they wish. Characters can shop and socialize as they would in the real world, all safely behind an alternate identity. Mediums such as these may be useful, as many institutions have begun experimenting with using them in group sessions and for distance instruction, as it can prove to be a more personal means of communication than traditional distance learning techniques. However, people who may struggle with traditional social interaction or who have a low self esteem may begin to find this type of interaction to be a complete substitute. This can lead to habitual and addictive use which may lead to the same problems in the individual’s everyday life that are often seen with the addiction to the MMORPG’s. (What problems, specifically? Do marriages end? Are jobs lost? This sounds a little vague and leaves me feeling like the argument is a little shaky. ) Many who have become to be dependent on their on-line social life may begin to lie to loved or become defensive about their frequency of use. One study indicated that marriage and dating relationships were effected the greatest when addictive computer game usage is present. â€Å"Dependents neglected their spouses in place of rendezvous with electronic lovers, leaving no quality time for their marriages. Finally, Dependents continued to emotionally and socially withdraw from their marriages, exerting more effort to maintain recently discovered on-line relationships. † (Young) The study also found that â€Å"Despite the negative consequences reported among Dependents, 54% had no desire to cut down the amount of time they spent on-line. † (Young) This lack of a desire to change this habitual behavior serves to illustrate the level of dedication and addiction possible in the use of these avenues of entertainment. As the addiction begins to involve larger portions of an individual’s life, damaging their professional and romantic relationships, often times depression can result. This brings us to the third possible cause for gaming addiction, escapism. The nature of these types of games present the player with the ability to play a character as close to or as far away from their own personality type and gender as they choose. They are given the ability to reinvent themselves entirely, to live out their every fantasy. As the players progress through the game, accomplishing quests and gaining experience points, they are receiving a sense of accomplishment. Individuals who have trouble approaching the opposite sex in their real lives can do so with the confidence that anonymity gives them. It may also give individuals who are depressed a reprieve from what they dislike about their lives. The more time the player spends in the game, the more this behavior is reinforced. As the playing time increases, the issues in their daily lives worsen until most of the players waking hours are spent hiding in the virtual world. As previously mentioned, these MMORPG style games excel at creating a believable and enjoyable fantasy world. There are games that cater many different genres and the developers have gone to great lengths to ensure that all personality types and playing styles have options to keep gamers enticed. The incremental increases to stature and abilities within the game serve to keep interest level high. The developers are continuously developing more quests and new game areas to explore, ensuring that the players will always have more to come back to. What was once seen as a harmless past-time may become the next focus of support group therapy. Review This is an excellent and well thought out argument pointing out the fact that online gaming has begun to steadily replace reality for many people. The author supports most of their arguments with facts gleaned from studies, and there is little to no feeling of personal preference here. The only areas where the information seems to draw from personal experience rather than supported fact are the reasons and the potential results behind large quantities of gaming. Otherwise, this argument is very well written and well supported. Works Cited Wiemer-Hastings, Peter and Brian D. Ng. â€Å"Addiction to the Internet and Online Gaming. † CyberPsychology and Behavior 8. 2 (2005): 110-113. Young, Kimberly S. â€Å"Internet Addiction: The Emergence of a New Clinical Disorder. † CyberPsychology and Behavior 1. 3 (1996): 237-244.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Management innovation in the South African dairy industry Essay

The case focuses on management innovation in the South African dairy industry, describing how an innovative new yoghurt product, Danimal, was created specifically for the market at the base of the pyramid. It explains how management of the product line embodied the various innovation opportunities and challenges presented. The concept was initially introduced in order to assess the feasibility of profitably servicing this market. However, the project was not simply about introducing a cheap brand to poor people but was more about creating brand awareness in the market at the base of the pyramid. It was an investment for the future. The new product took into consideration the nutritional shortcomings in the diet of children in this market and also allowed for the lack of available infrastructure – electricity and refrigeration. The case illustrates the importance of a product being affordable, relevant and available for this market. Innovation went further than product design and also took into account the necessity of a lean distribution channel. This took the form of micro-distributers, referred to as Danimamas, who comprised township residents, unemployed or part-time employed individuals. The case offers insights into the complexity of doing business in developing countries. The company admits that it has not been a sustainable business model in terms of current profitability but the value that has been gained from social marketing and long-term brand development has been great. The case concludes with the challenge of how to ensure that the project continues on its upward trajectory. The objectives of the case are to encourage students to have a better understanding of the strategies required to successfully impact on low-income markets in developing countries, the different metrics that one could consider when assessing the impact of interventions on the base of the pyramid market, and the importance of harnessing opportunities and overcoming the challenges of management innovation. Questions to answer: How does the Danimal project shed light on and challenge the principals suggested to manage the base of the pyramid? How would you measure the success of the Danimal project? How does the approach taken by Maria Pretorius in managing the Danimal product line factor in management innovation opportunities and challenges?

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Criminal Investigation (Arson) Essay

What are the similarities and differences between an arson investigation and a bombing investigation? Arson is the intentionally setting of fires to property, persons, and vehicles. Bombing can be defined as the offense of using a projectile, or explosive weapon to cause alarm, panic, danger, or death. There are many similarities and differences between the investigation of a bombing and the investigation of arson. The similarities to conducting an investigation for arson or bombing is as follows: 1) secures the scene upon arrival, have authorities evacuate the area and keep people from contaminating the crime scene further. 2) Notify the proper authorities or investigators to respond to the scene. 3) Begin the process of eliminating any accidental possibilities. 4) Begin to observe the structure, person, or object damaged by the fire or explosion and attempt to locate the point of origin. 5) Observe if any physical issues caused the damage. 6) Begin to collect and process the evidence. 7) Back track and make sure all information is taken and processed before leaving the scene. Be sure during the entire investigation we are using our senses and interviewing any credible witnesses. There are numerous differences when investigating an arson or bombing. Normally a bombing situation is going to be more chaotic, and have the possible for more causalities. During a bombing investigation, many other agencies including federal, local, and state agencies will deploy teams and personnel to assist. Bomb dogs and Bomb technicians will arrive on scene and control the security cordons for the scene. Many different groups and personnel will have certain jobs and duties to perform in order for the scene to become clear. During any bombing investigation a secondary (explosive) device needs to be discovered before any time of physical investigation can begin. After the scene is cleared a further investigation can began. During an arson investigation, the local Arson investigator will normally control the scene upon arrival and complete the arson investigation. Very  seldom do federal authorities become involved unless the arson occurs to federal property. Generally Arson investigations are not a chaotic and time sensitive as the bombing investigation. Arson investigations are filed through police and the fire department at most agencies. As shown there are many similarities and differences between an Arson investigation and a Bombing investigation. Both investigations are important and represent direct threats to our country, citizens and property.

Astr hw4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Astr hw4 - Essay Example With the activities that occur in the volcano that is the first theory, the earth experienced the cooling that made the elements cool. The elements are then exposed to the atmosphere creating a combination of droplets. With the theory water is known to be the found on the earth’s surface. The theory does not fully explain the source since seventy percent of the water sources does not originate from the earth’s surface. In the second theory, water is meant to be formed from the comets and the earth grazing. This means that the water exists in form of the water molecules on the earth’s surface. At the same time, there is a difference between water at the sea and the one on the earth’s surface (Wiegandt, 2008). 3. The snowball theory gives a brief discussion on the coldest part of the earth. The theory suggests that the earth is all surrounded by ice. There is evidence supporting the theory by the fact that Sturtian and Marinoan have isotopes of carbon that is found at the sea water. There are also a number of marine deposits at the bark of the oceans. The irons and oxides formed enable the anoxia to spread into the oceans. There are also proofs that do not support the theory because the deposits don’t have same ages not even the age sets. The Sturtian has ripples while its thickness and characters are found at the base. 4. Europa the moon has liquid that is in form of water and can primitively save living things. The liquid has got characters that will enable the human life by containing molecules that are versatile. The liquid also dissolve the nutrients that are used in the digestion and waste removal by the living creatures. Europa also has the ability to tilt the surface enabling it to have life support. 5. With the origin of life, life is reported to start from the sea because of the structures like carbonate that are found at the vents of hydrothermal. With the formation of hydrogen sulphide, hot

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Literature and Modern Media 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Literature and Modern Media 2 - Essay Example It is a mid-size entry-level luxury car and - so far – it has become Lincoln’s bestselling model since its introduction. The ad sought to articulate these features and the benefits in a short and engaging communication content. The difficulty in communicating all the features and benefits of the Lincoln MKZ was addressed by using metaphors depicted in compelling imagery. There are many sources that support the efficacy of using metaphors to produce compelling and persuasive advertisement. Among the most excellent of these is MacQuarrie and Phillips’ (2008) work, which documented numerous studies that demonstrate how metaphors induce a certain mental imagery that influences the behavior of people or, in the case of television advertisements, the viewers. They cited the case of a simulation where subjects were presented a poem with many metaphors and that based on the recorded participants’ interpretations, combined with sufficient exposure to visual images, were revealed to conjure mental imageries that support the construction and effectiveness of persuasive messages (39). The dynamics of the studies that revolve around this theme falls within the wider argument of the use of pathos in advertising and marketing. MacQuarrie and Phillips drew an analogy from the ancient Greeks, who coined the concept in their perfection of the art of rhetoric. They cited that pathos, which is the technique of appealing to emotions, is crucial in cultivating, diverting, enhancing or creating – whatever the need was – in some type of manipulation in order to achieve a desired emotional response (39). The idea – when applied in the context of marketing – is to increase the audience’s attitude towards the ad (39). Hoang (2005), describing a particularly adept marketer, had these words that expresses the impact of this particular method excellently: There was a feeling. As the feeling faded away into a labored, recalled me mory, it left another feeling, the feeling of desire. That was effective advertising (44). So, if one considers the metaphors used in the Lincoln MKZ ad, one could not help but recognize the pathos and the desire to influence by eliciting emotional response with the help of words and visual images. For instance, the video opens with the 2013 Lincoln MKZ’s comparison with the titular phoenix. Here, the introduction of the redesign and the new generation of Lincoln MKZ were achieved. There was the image of the old Lincoln model, which with the clever use of fire and graphical transformation, depicted the concept the phoenix in the process of being born, only that the bird did not really materialize. Rather, the 2013 MKZ emerged in its stead. To explain the utility of the metaphor, it is crucial to view it this way: emotion is difficult to verbalize. Therefore, in order to communicate to the emotion of others, metaphors must be used in order to be effective. â€Å"When emotions ,† wrote Malamed (2009), â€Å"seem ambiguous and ethereal, metaphors help make them explicit and tangible† (220). Stylistic and technical features were embedded in the comparison with the â€Å"hawk with night vision goggles†. The fun and car solidity were conveyed in the use of the beat of the drum set in a montage with the steady rhythm of machines, carving the hull of the

Monday, August 12, 2019

American Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

American Revolution - Essay Example Albeit the British introduced slavery in America, the people who were enslaved in America were not its citizens but rather Africans who were brought into the country through slave trade. Thus, the intention to enslave was not the main driver of the circumstances that led to the events in 1775. Instead, it was the attempts of the British to impose series of high and unjust taxes that led to the events of 1763 to 1775 that formally begun with the shot at Lexington. (Countryman, 2003). It was further fueled by the British attempt to tighten control over the colonies particularly in their respond to the Boston Tea Party incident that led to a clash that resulted to the death of five individuals. These deaths fueled the dormant resentment of the colonies that instead of quelling a rebellion, it broke out into a full scale War of Independence that freed American from the clutches of British colonizers. It is important to understand that before 1763, the British Empire was also embroiled in another costly war which was the French and Indian War of which the British thought that it was reasonable to impose a tax on its thirteen American colonies to help finance and defray the cost of the war. The Americans however saw it to be unjust and excessive. They viewed it as â€Å"Taxation without representation† or a tax imposed and enforced just to raise revenue at the expense of American taxpayers. These â€Å"taxation without representation† was composed of series of Acts which begun with the Stamp Act which was passed by the British Parliament in 1765 to impose stamp duties in the thirteen American colonies occupied by the British empire to compel America to share the burden of cost of the French and Indian War. This measure was heavily petitioned by colonial leaders for the Parliament and King George III to repeal it. This was later repealed but another tax measure followed which is the Townshend Acts which was passed by the British Parliament in January of 1967. This law included Revenue Act of 1767, the Indemnity Act and New York Restraining Act which was again imposed to raise revenue to finance the war and to assert British sovereignty over its colony by taxing them. This law so unpopular that it was met with resistance in Boston prompting the British troops to garrison it led to clash with the mob on on March  5, 1770 where five colonists perished that fueled the impending revolution. There was also another tax measure that was imposed on the American colonies which probably precipitated the War of Independence. This tax measure was called the Tea Act, the precursor of the famous Boston Tea Party, which gave the British company British East India Company to have a virtual monopoly on all teas that were exported to the American colonies (Yale Law Schol, 2008). This revenue measure was so unpopular that businessmen cancelled orders. The Massachusetts governor however was bent in imposing it and forced Boston harbor to receive the tea cargoes and to force payment for such goods. Finally, in the evening of December 16, 1773, sixty men disguised as American Indians boarded the ships that carried tea and threw all the shipment of tea into the waters. We know this event now as the Boston Tea Party which was one of the key events that led to the War of Independence. The method of protest was justifiable from the point of view of the Americans because they are undermining the very goods that are subject of their complaints.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Enviroment science lab5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Enviroment science lab5 - Essay Example Invasion of zebra and quagga mussels into fresh water is catastrophic impact to the ecosystem in which they are brought. This is so because they clog water intake structures which increase the cost of maintenance of water treatment and power plants. A zebra and quagga mussel also causes lakeshore problems to the recreationists and residents. They multiply at a faster rate and this leads to a decrease in phytoplankton. This is so because they filter phytoplankton from the surrounding water which increases the clarity of water. Lake trout will increase since they will have sufficient food that is zooplankton and zebra mussels. On the other hand, foraging fish will also increase since they have enough food to keep them alive. This explains why phytoplankton decreases tremendously and this will cause imbalance to the ecosystem. This filtration process may also contribute to the explosive growth of harmful blooms and ecosystem may lead to disappearance of some unique

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Tom Bradley Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tom Bradley - Research Paper Example At some point the family went on public assistance. His parents divorced and Tom’s mother was working hard to raise five children by herself. Bradley entered Polytechnic High School, because he was a very good athlete. This school was mostly white. However, he became the first black president of the Poly Boy’s League. He also became a record-breaking track team captain and a star in the quarter-mile and long jump. Winning the athletic championship gave Tom admission to UCLA. While there, he had many jobs, one of which was as a photographer for comedian Jimmy Durante. During his junior year in college, Bradley took an exam to join the Los Angeles Police Department. His grade was excellent and entered the department academy in 1940. He served as Police Officer in Los Angeles for 21 years. When he first started working in the police department, there were only 100 black people among 4,000 officers. Blacks could never work with a white officer. They could only serve a black community or work traffic downtown. By the time Bradley retired in 1961, he reached the rank of Lieutenant. That was the highest position black officer could achieve at that time. Because of the racism, Bradley could not advance in this carrier any more. So instead, he attended Southwestern Law School and became an attorney. He took interest in politics when he still was a police officer. In 1963, he got elected to the Los Angeles City Council. He became one of three African American men elected that year. That was the first time black people were in the City Council. On the council, he was closely overseeing the Police Department and working to overcome racial strives. In the mid 1950s - 1960s, there was a strong race discrimination. There were restaurants and shops that would not serve black people; they would be refused to enter hotels etc. In 1961, this conservatism led to the election of Sam Yorty as Mayor of Los Angeles. Then the society climate started to change. There was a wave of riots and large-scale unrests throughout the country. The nation needed a change. To mention some events of 1968: a number of anti-Vietnam war demonstrations increased; within months of each other Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the candidate for President Robert Kennedy were assassinated; over 20,000 students in five East LA schools walked out as a sign of protest against racial inequality. At this time Tom Bradley decided to run for mayoral elections. African Americans were a minority of the population, so for Bradley to win he would have to create a multi-racial coalition. There were many candidates for mayor position to start with; however, the final race entered only Bradley and Yorty. After long and less then honorable electoral campaign the voters elected Yorty for his next term. Bradley took his time to prepare for the next elections, four years later, which he won and became first African American mayor of Los Angeles. He made a history by that. It attracted n ational and international attention. His success came as a result of continuous building of his extraordinary trans-racial coalition, and proved that it is possible for black voters and white voters to unite. His election also set a stage to other similar campaigns nationwide. There are many changes Mayor Tom Bradley brought to the city. His first term started during an energy crisis. To help his city he came up with curtailment program, and it was so successful that it was implemented in

Friday, August 9, 2019

E-Manufacturing Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

E-Manufacturing - Literature review Example According to Merriam-Webster dictionary manufacturing is defined as ‘to make into a product suitable for use’. These few lines were presented to enter our esteem topic of ‘e-manufacturing’ and make you ready for the up-coming category of manufacturing described below. Introduction to E-manufacturing In the previous days when the internet was not available at every doorstep, the manufacturing plant floor was isolated from the rest of the industry, organization and enterprise operated on its own without the company and shareholders being aware of its working as they had no eye on it. Today with the introduction of e-manufacturing services, plant line or the bottom line performance is the place where corporate and analysts are more interested. The input or output of a company and its return on net assets are the criteria for the share market to evaluate an organization’s performance and the plant floor influences all directly. Before being entitled as a successful organization not only the company’s growing sales are analyzed but the well-organized working of all plant parts is also necessary. With the introduction of e-working and share computing and with the removal of all non value added activities a company can operate more efficiently and increase its growth by fast and concise working. (HERMAN, E. S., & CHOMSKY, N.1988) The heart of any e-manufacturing lies in the clearness for interaction of information, trade and data between the consumer and the manufacturing suppliers. To devise an e-manufacturing strategy, we need to work through processes defined in e-businesses such as in order reliable maintenance and making rules and regulations for executing plant systems. According to an AMR research e-manufacturing strategy merges e-business and manufacturing plans to construct the roadmap to development of system and accomplishment in the plant. Talking about the definition of e-manufacturing, it ranges from B2B,B2C, indus trial network connected by ether wires, IPs, XML, UDP, Transmission control protocol, cooperative manufacturing, WLANs, proxy servers and embedded web portals and finally to SCM(supply chain management). E-manufacturing is the merger of two lines: the horizontal one being the business line while the other vertical one being the supply-chain management and integration of systems which ensure the transparency of dissected information and business relevant data throughout the precious business chain. E-manufacturing makes use of the internet to guarantee real time processing of transparent information to be available at all times in an organizational setup. In any company the manufacturing plant is the core of all productions. According to the supply-chain models put forth by the experts, the intermediate connection of plant to the enterprise is very important and its transparency and timing have a lot to do with the company. All operations conducted at the plant are now reviewed for w orking out strategies to save time. To meet the increasing consumer demands, many companies are trying to bring maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) category under one umbrella for better performance. Today information plays a vital role for any company; therefore the accuracy of information is vital to take right decisions. A plant is the initial point of a system. If the plant floor is data based and online, it has the power to control manufacturing machinery, productivity, product design and delivery. Today with

Human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Human resource management - Essay Example Corporate culture affects a business and its workers in different ways so that workers become more creative and innovative. According to Hawken and Lovins (1999), a business that functions as a learning organization, rewarding measurement, monitoring continuous improvement always outpaces a corporate culture. A strong corporate culture provides a sense of identity for its employees so that they feel as part of the firm. A sound corporate culture can help form a effective teamwork among its workers. Corporate culture encourages workers to become more committed to the business and as a result industrial relation or high labor turn-over problems can be solved. Corporate culture contributes employee motivation that in turn increases the productivity of the employees. The corporate strategy can be used by managers as a measure to control managerial activities and to shape employee behavior and attitude towards the business. The researchers have found that strong corporate culture often damage company performances and its effectiveness in operation (Lowney, 2003, p. 209). People in a group or organization may be different in expressing values, rites or symbols and hence there can be subcultures within a corporate culture. The corporate culture can be ‘integrated, or differentiated or fragmented. The integration perspective of corporate culture is a unitary in which culture is shared and it would be unambiguous. The differentiation perspective is one in which culture forms in different ways. In fragmentation perspective, there would be little consensus between the workers in an organization regarding what is their culture. â€Å"Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal† (Northouse, 2009, p. 3) Leadership is the process of guiding the behavior of other people towards attaining organizational objectives. Leadership causes subordinates to behave in a particular

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Employee competence & reward strategys - Read the provided case study Essay

Employee competence & reward strategys - Read the provided case study on UtilityCo then answer the questions set out in the Project Outline document - Essay Example An individual can be said to be competent if he possesses the skills, knowledge and abilities that are necessary to perform a particular task that the individual is given the responsibility of. With such a combination of traits, a person can be able to competently perform a task in any given situation or a working environment. In the same respect, one may lose competency without losing the skills, abilities or knowledge if the requirements for executing a particular task changes or the working conditions changes (Dickmann, 2008). Competency is also used as a general term when the requirements of people in communities and organizations whereby there are requirements for the people to perform various tasks for the community or organization. These can be described by the various requirements that organizations have put in a particular language for the employees to be considered competent or what educational institutes have put in a specific language for the students to graduate from them. One of the most important aspects of this kind of competence is that it has to be an action competence and this means that the people must show their competence in action (Armstrong, 1999). As far as human resources are concerned, it is more significant to have competence development policies especially for some general competences that an organization is dependent on to run its business. The general competences can be classified into levels and they include the novice whereby a person who can be classified as a novice has the behavior based on the rules of the organization and is very inflexible as well as very limited. The next level is the experienced beginner whereby this employee has the ability to incorporate aspects from a given situation. The third level is the practitioner who is capable of acting consciously in relation to any long term plans and

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Teacher as Managers Essay Example for Free

Teacher as Managers Essay There are five behavioral steps in the differentiation of the effective delegator and the ineffective delegator. In this case, the manager of a contracts group, Ricky Lee, who is part of a large regional office supply distributor realized his limitations in terms of capacity when he received a new assignment. Ricky lee knew he needed to delegate this assignment in order to meet his current project deadline and also meet the needs of his boss. The first step Ricky needs to do is assess his employees and determine who has demonstrated a clear understanding of negotiating contracts, and also who has proven excellent results in negotiating with manufacturers. When Ricky identifies an employee who has knowledge, and demonstrated success contract negotiation like his employee, Bill Harmon, Ricky needs to evaluate if Bills workload would allow him to take on a new project. The next step Ricky needs to do is have a private conversation with Bill and clearly outline the parameters and scope of this project. Ricky needs to make sure that Bill understands what is expected by clarifying and asking open-ended questions. Ricky needs to make sure Bill does not have any unanswered questions regarding the development of the department’s new procedures manual for negotiating contracts with office product’s manufacturers. Therefore, Ricky will allow Bill to participate in the decisions since he will be held accountable for this task. Ricky needs to clearly explain that this needs to be completed by the end of the month, and make sure that Bill feels comfortable and accepting of the time commitment. Ricky needs to make sure that Bill has the ability to work this project as he see fit, however his authority is limited to only the parameters of the project. Bills needs to understand this his authority to all other aspects of his job or the job of other works has not changed. Ricky needs to ensure that Bill understands and accepts that his range and discretion are limited to the scope of the project only. In allowing the employee to participate, Ricky must understand that Bill may have his personal self-interests and biases that may cause a potential problem in not committing fully or deterring him from taking on the delegation of the new assignment. Ricky will need to listen to learn and use open-ended questions to redirect the personal biases and self-interests. Some employees find themselves facing challenges because they immediately think about themselves and have a tendency to exhibit impartial judgment, which is not always fair in a workplace environment. Employees have to do what’s right for them, but also remember that this is a business. When presenting open-ended questions, this provides Ricky the opportunity to answer all of Bill’s questions or concerns in a positive manner. Ricky is able to provide Bill with all of the answers and support and even resources that Bill needs. For instance, if Bill says â€Å"I do not have the the first written copy of the resource manual and I am not sure who has it. † Ricky may respond, â€Å"Well Bill, I have it in my office and I will commit to have it to you by 12pm. † This provides Bill with the resource he needs and Ricky may ask some more open-ended questions using who, what, where, when, and why to get Bill to open up about any questions or concerns. Personal biases influence the way another person may think about a particular object, place, or person. The employees who are judgmental may focus on ways to degrade their peers or have difficulty in taking on a new task. This creates a negative culture and does not motivate a team to perform to its fullest. Many employees can see being bias in a workplace both negatively and positively. They are normally personal biases which are formed through a person that may have been predisposed during childhood, environment, through another person’s own biases without researching, and/or experiences. The Assignment that Bill Harmon has agreed to take on will outline the steps followed in negotiating contracts with office products’ manufacturers who supply the organization’s products. It is important to inform everyone involved of the delegation. Anne Zumwalt and any other managers that may be involved with this project or directly affected by the outcome will be informed of Bill’s commitment to take on this new task. It is important that Ricky informs all employees affected by this delegation of Bill taking on this project and to inform employees on how much authority Bill has committed to. This provides a sense of pride and ownership over the project for Bill and he is fully aware that he will be held accountable for the end-product. When setting the parameters of this project with Bill it will be important to determine how Bill and Ricky will establish feedback channels. Bill must know how to communicate with Ricky about the project. It is important to know the stages that Bill may provide feedback to Ricky. Ricky should also inform Bill on how he intends on monitoring the project and how often he will be checking in. Bill should provide commitment and understanding on exact deadlines (end of the month on a specific date) and expectations. It is crucial that Bill knows if any problems should arise then Ricky should be contacted as soon as possible so they are able to work through it in the most proactive and efficient way.